Friday, December 16, 2005

So I did get into the college thats right in Auburn.. so I will be around next semester... well.. it means that Im pretty much home as of right now.. Im gonna go back Sunday night probably.. and I will be there til Tues for Finals.. but then Im done... @ CSC.. and I'll be back in Monmouth for good...:-) Which means... I'll prob see her more, but she doesnt wanna see me... er. idk. If I can live in the same room with the person i hate most. well yah. the person i hate most right now. i mean HATE like if i could kill her and get away with it i would.. cuz she does nothing.. but shit for herself.. she only hurts other people and thats IT. but.. if i can live in teh same little hole int eh wall with the person i hate most for a week, I can be in the same town with the girl i care about lots but shouldnt... it'll be easier but harder at the same time...
cuz iwont see her too much.. bu ti know when i do... it'll hurt... I heard Feel Good Inc last night on CYY... and i just.. felt horrible... cuz though to fthe summer.. but i COULDNT change it.. i listend to the whole thing.. and I smiled at first.. then the more it played the... idk how to describe it.. happier but also depressed i got.. cuz i thought of the summer with her, which was happy, but then i thought of irght now.. and was sad. which is why i gotta put my plan in motion... but.. idk.. I think she's gonna be the toughest.. its weird, cuz I'd think like Em.. would be tough to forget about.. but i never got to the point where'd Id sacrifice thigns in my life for her.. which i did for brit.. so im not only just forgetting abot a friendshp.. but im forgetting about a reason to live for.. shrugs. gotta do what ya gotta do:-\:'(

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