Thursday, December 1, 2005

:-/......... :-(...... :,-(
I miss her. for the weirdest reason. A song came on that has NOTHING to do with her... one of the new disturbed songs.. and it said Holocaust... which made me think of her cuz she likes that stuff i guess...

It's weird though.. cuz like.. im not really bothered when she tries to upset, if thats what shes doing.. like.. im pretty much done coping.. like.. i get we won't ever be friends again.. but i still really miss her. she was my best friend for most of the summer... and i can really say that now cuz i can finally see it. I went over there almost every day!!!!! more than i saw Em and Ash combined! even if i had other plans.. like when i went to bens house, i stopped off there first. So now, ive dealt with it cuz i dont get really depressed or cry or anything.
but.. i can look back now and see and say these things.. and still be able to move on with my day. I can say, hey she was my best friend, hey i fucked up.. even though i think we made it thru much worse before.... and now i can say, hey... we're done. See, this journal thingy was a good idea.. cuz instead of all this shit floating thru my head.. once i write it out.. like i said.. write it out.. its out.. which is whyi love writing.. cuz if i get it out writing.. so like i can look back at it, i dont think about it TOO much.. if i just speak.. it still stays on my mind.. like a record... alright i gotta get ready for calss.
like she said in the bottom of her profile.. this summer was awesome... and i know she didnt put that in there about me.... but when i read it i think of the good times we had. Trampoline time. trips to rite-aid (like in the iroc!) watching movies, hear to heart talks. softball games!!!

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