Thursday, December 8, 2005

hhmm... CSI... hmm... yah a little light is coming on... but.. i dont want it to be taken the wrong way if i happened to get her an xmas gift.. i actually had something really silly in mind.. that i saw and.. its nothign bad at all.. but silly.. but.. she really wants some seasons.. but.. those are mucho money.. and.. if shes gonna just blow me off again mayb ei shouldnt.. but then again.. for the past years of friendship.. id spend 50 on a season.. who knows...

well we talked A LONG time tonight too... just like last night... first about zach.. then other stuff.. like.. a couple hours.. or a little under.. but once this zach thing is over with.. which was prob today... will she still im me.. cuz i really dont know wha tto im her about.. she has a game tomorrow tho.. id love to know how that went..

well i gotta go lay donw.. my back is fuckin killin me.. but once again.. good convo... a good night.. it feels like the old days.. im glad she cant tell when im typing.. or i dont think she can.. cuz holy moly do i reword things or add or take things out often.. cuz im so afraid ill piss her off somehow.. cuz even serious convos before i could kinda joke with.. but i dont see her really smiling with my convo much..
it seems as tho at times... she kinda falls back into the old convos too.. cuz she at times was like O! ! and showed excitement.. but hten shed go back to was seemed like pity talk like shes just click over and type real quick.. so.. who knows.. but.. ill have to think about the xmas thing..

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