Monday, November 28, 2005

one this that made me smile is.. if we ever do become friends again.. i dont think we'd have to worry about anything going wrong cuz im mean honestly what else could happen between us? We've had problems with..
1. Age
2. Cutting
3. Crushes (on others and eachother)
4. Drugs and Alcohol
5. Proper Ways to cope
6. Lies

I mean honestly what the fuck else could really go wrong with this friendship!! hah... i cracked another smile.. i'd crack an even bigger one if i knew it'd survive this last attack.. but maybe it came too soon... or maybe.. no matter how true i thought our friendship was... i really could fuck it up to the point of no return... i still dont think its fair.... i came back many times for you. whats different this time.. you said i was right abouthim...??

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